*** This Is Cash deal only, not finance available with this promotion. Welcome to DEL SOL AUTO SALES. This Chevrolet Cruze is a clean title and ready for sale. !!!Tu trabajo es tu crédito!!!. If you have some credit, New Credit? We have Financing options available (Buy Here Pay Here programs for Locals only) Bring your most recent payment stub, utility bill and driver’s license. For more information please ask our sales team or call us. Tienes nuevo tu crédito, poco crédito? Tenemos opciones de Financiamiento para ti! (Compra aqui y Paga Aqui para Clientes Locales unicamente) Debes traer tu mas reciente talon de cheque, un recibo de Luz, Gas o télefono y tu Licencia de conducir… Ven a Visítarnos hoy!. All prices listed on our web inventory are cash prices, other charges apply like financing witch may increases the cost depending on each case. Todos los precios del inventario en nuestra pagina de internet son en efectivo. Si usted necesita financiamiento hay cargos que pueden incrementar el costo final. Por favor visítenos para más detalles. Please call or text (702) 271 - 0048 for more information. Feel free to view our full inventory here. https://www.delsolautosaleslv.com Thank you, Del Sol Auto Sales Team
Excludes destination, taxes, Title and doc fee. All vehicles are cash prices; We have finance options available. Prices and availability are subject to change. Actual mileage varies.